Thursday, October 10, 2024

10th October 2024

Cattle Egret

An afternoon's YBW hunt had me staking out the Causeway Pond. Herds of Cattle were in the fields either side of me which produced another record of a Cattle Egret which was commuting between the two herds. 


A pair of Stonechat were noted on top of the hedgerow at Broadfield with a handful of passerines which included, Bullfinch and a couple of Chiffchaff.

Cattle Egret

The Cattle Egret decided to dance on the backs of the more mature herd that was not phased by this birds antics!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

9th October 2024

The search for the farms 2nd record of YBW continues with very few migrants on the farm today. A Blackcap, a couple of Chiffchaff and a few Meadow Pipit were small reward for time spent walking the banks of the River Piddle and Devil's Brook.

Redwing 3 heading N was a sign that winter is on its way!

A few Teal 7 were noted in flight at Puddletown Water Meadows but the Tufted Duck had moved on from the Causeway Pond. I tested out Merlin whilst at the pond and it identified correctly all the regular species bar one which I neither heard or saw (Spotted Flycatcher). 

There was a trickle of Swallow 12 today indicating their time in the UK is limited!

Great Cormorant

There was a small gathering of Great Cormorant at Burleston pond in the afternoon. 


It was also good to see a number of Blackbird back out in the open having spent the last 4-6 weeks in moult!

Monday, October 7, 2024

7th October 2024

Tufted Duck

The 1w female Tufted Duck is still on Causeway pond but the showery weather has seen most of the passerines hunker down or they have moved on. A Blackcap was noted at Long Bottom.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

6th October 2024

Tufted Duck

The heavens were always threatening to open up this morning but the rain overnight brought in a 1st winter female Tufted Duck onto the Causeway pond. Note the dark iris indicating a juvenile bird, muddy brown at the base of the bill and lighter brown flanks to the mantle feathering. There was a small amount of white around the tail feathers. A Water Rail was heard along the banks of the Causeway pond.

Barn Swallow

The wires adjacent to the Causeway pond were loaded with Barn Swallow 69 was the highest count between feeding forays. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

5th October 2024

Not much change today with only a couple of Wigeon noted along with Teal 12 on Mill Mead. Little Egret 5 were noted across the farm the majority with the cattle at Mill Mead.


During my search for a YBW a pair of Kingfisher whizzed over Burleston pond. One resting in a bush prior to moving on. 


There are still a few Chiffchaff on the farm with a mixed tit flock moving at Causeway pond.

This afternoon there was a build up of 100+ Barn Swallow who were on the wires and hawking insects near the Causeway pond.

Friday, October 4, 2024

4th October 2025


The meadows are soggy and the pools are growing in size. Wigeon 5 were new in on the Water Meadows along with Teal 12 and Mallard 51. A couple of Redwing flew NE whilst I was checking the Causeway pond. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

2nd October 2024


A good number of Chiffchaff present in all areas of the Farm today including this ringed bird but unfortunately I could not read the ring. 

(Southern Hawker female)

(Southern Hawker female)

A Southern Hawker female laying eggs in a new pond in a local garden. The ponds border was completed today with a beetle having also taken up residence!

10th October 2024

Cattle Egret An afternoon's YBW hunt had me staking out the Causeway Pond. Herds of Cattle were in the fields either side of me which pr...