Puddletown Water Meadows
This is the largest area where the River Piddle runs east through the meadows. In winter (Oct-Mar) the fields are flooded attracting wildfowl to the area. There are also open and cultivated fields which have areas of woodland.
There is a horse paddock along the lane before the first house as the track winds up the hill to the bridge over the A35.
(Click on image to expand view)
The River Piddle continues its route
through the fields the extend east behind Athelhampton House. The river crosses
the road and continues towards Tolpuddle. There are areas of woodland on both
sides of the road which attracts passerines. This area floods after heavy rain
and attracts wildfowl in the winter months (Oct-Mar).
Many of the village residents have bird feeders in their gardens which attract passerines and occasionally a raptor overhead. Most are not viewable from the street and privacy will be respected in sightings text.