Submit Sightings

Please submit your Puddletown Water Meadows, butterfly, and other wildlife records here. 

All records are valued and help to maintain an overall picture of the species that utilize the area.

I have included all common species found on the Water Meadows however if you cannot find a species on the list please use the other species field. There are now general entry paragraphs for Butterflies, Moths, Wildlife and other fauna. I will review and update these areas if demand is there.

For each species for which you have information to report, please give details in the sighting details field. eg Red Kite flew NW at 1203hrs.

Thank you very much for taking the time to submit your records.

Submission Form Link:

Sighting Submission Form 

12th January 2025

 WeBS counts:-  Site totals:- Canada Geese (187), Greylag Goose (2), Barnacle Goose (7), Egyptian Goose (2), Mute Swan (18), Wigeon (483), ...