Thursday, August 29, 2024

29th August 2024

The pool at Mill Mead had a couple of Little Egret this afternoon. 

All the Green Sand appeared to have moved on/elsewhere as they were not seen at the usual locations. 

A couple of Grey Wagtail were on Devil's Brook.

Male and female Tawny Owls were heard at dusk. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

28th August 2024

Green Sandpiper

Another evening session at the Farm. The Common Sandpiper had been joined by a couple of Green Sandpiper on the pool at Mill Mead. There was a third Green Sandpiper on the Lagoon.

Canada Goose

Canada Goose numbers are growing there were a couple of Greylag Goose present today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

27th August 2024

A Common Sandpiper was present on a pool at Mill Mead this morning. A flock of Canada Geese joined it whilst it was feeding on the far bank.

Woodpeckers are becoming more regular as juvenile birds explore their surroundings. The Great Spotted looks like a female was very obliging this morning.

A Brown Hawker dragonfly was photographed this afternoon. They are spreading their range and are still shown as rare in the South West?!

Friday, August 23, 2024

23rd August 2024

Red Kite

Red Kite are becoming more regular in these parts of Dorset. The bird flew low over the ridge this afternoon at 1439 whilst I was walking the track at the bottom. The bird re appeared some forty five minutes later in the same area.

Wall Brown

Stonechat of various ages and a Whitethroat were noted along the hedge line along with a mix of butterflies. The first time the lower ridge has been alive this year. Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Wall Brown, Small White, Speckled Wood, Common Blue.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

14th August 2024


Common Sandpiper

It is always worth while checking the pools on Bardolf Farm particularly after any period of rain! I set out for an afternoon jaunt and a new arrival in the form of a Common Sandpiper had dropped in on a pool at Puddletown Water Meadows. This species is not seen annually on the Farm.

Green Sandpiper

There was also a couple of Green Sandpiper present on the same pool. Both species were in close proximity to each other at one point giving good comparative views of both species.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

7th August 2024

 The only bird of note this morning was a Green Sandpiper which was on the slurry Lagoon near Waterbarn Cottages.

Green Sandpiper

Several Buzzards including juvenile birds were noted with groups of Swallow hawking insects at the lagoon.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

6th August 2024

 The farm is relatively quiet at the moment but today there were a couple of interesting sightings whilst I completed my rounds!

Puddletown Water Meadows - Barn Owl, Green Sandpiper 4, Mallard 22, Canada Goose 5, 

Barn Owl

Bardolf Farm - Kingfisher (Burleston Lake), Little Grebe 3, Red Legged Partridge 6,

29th August 2024

The pool at Mill Mead had a couple of Little Egret this afternoon.  All the Green Sand appeared to have moved on/elsewhere as they were not ...