Wednesday, September 18, 2024

2nd and 18th September 2024

18th September 2024

Puddletown Water Meadows - The cattle were in the field by the pool therefore some stealth was required to dodge them and reach the pool without flushing the wildfowl. 

(Pintail juv / 1w male)

(Cattle Egret)

A Cattle Egret and a juvenile / 1w male Pintail were the reward for going into stealth mode!

A Red Kite circled the ridge North of Waterbarn Cottages at 1139 before I walked the fields to a new spot which has been on my radar for a while now! Blackcap, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Blackbird, Starling, Robin and a Sparrowhawk that halted the party!

2nd September 2024

Puddletown Water Meadows produced a second record for the farm in a Wood Sandpiper that was with a couple of Green Sandpiper on the pool at Mill Mead. The birds disappeared a couple of times only to re-appear on the same pool! The bird was present for a day!

2nd and 18th September 2024

18th September 2024 Puddletown Water Meadows -  The cattle were in the field by the pool therefore some stealth was required to dodge them a...