Wednesday, October 9, 2024

9th October 2024

The search for the farms 2nd record of YBW continues with very few migrants on the farm today. A Blackcap, a couple of Chiffchaff and a few Meadow Pipit were small reward for time spent walking the banks of the River Piddle and Devil's Brook.

Redwing 3 heading N was a sign that winter is on its way!

A few Teal 7 were noted in flight at Puddletown Water Meadows but the Tufted Duck had moved on from the Causeway Pond. I tested out Merlin whilst at the pond and it identified correctly all the regular species bar one which I neither heard or saw (Spotted Flycatcher). 

There was a trickle of Swallow 12 today indicating their time in the UK is limited!

Great Cormorant

There was a small gathering of Great Cormorant at Burleston pond in the afternoon. 


It was also good to see a number of Blackbird back out in the open having spent the last 4-6 weeks in moult!

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10th October 2024

Cattle Egret An afternoon's YBW hunt had me staking out the Causeway Pond. Herds of Cattle were in the fields either side of me which pr...