Sunday, October 6, 2024

6th October 2024

Tufted Duck

The heavens were always threatening to open up this morning but the rain overnight brought in a 1st winter female Tufted Duck onto the Causeway pond. Note the dark iris indicating a juvenile bird, muddy brown at the base of the bill and lighter brown flanks to the mantle feathering. There was a small amount of white around the tail feathers. A Water Rail was heard along the banks of the Causeway pond.

Barn Swallow

The wires adjacent to the Causeway pond were loaded with Barn Swallow 69 was the highest count between feeding forays. 

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10th October 2024

Cattle Egret An afternoon's YBW hunt had me staking out the Causeway Pond. Herds of Cattle were in the fields either side of me which pr...